Posts Tagged Under: computer hardware

The Best Sources for PC Hardware News and Reviews


Sir Francis Bacon once famously said that knowledge is power. Then he died from pneumonia while studying the effects of freezing meat. The important thing to remember, however, is that he died on a quest for knowledge.

When it comes to building a PC, knowledge not only brings power (in terms of hardware performance), it brings savings in both cost and time.

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GPU Price Wars: AMD Strikes Back!


nVidia’s big Maxwell launch of the GeForce GTX 980 and 970 has gone very well for the company, giving gamers great performance at reasonable prices. The release of those two graphics cards made AMD’s flagship cards (290 and 290X) overpriced, and so we removed those two cards from the Logical Increments hardware guides. (We also removed the GTX 770 and 780, since those cards had been replaced at their price points.)

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Show Us Your PC Contest: Recap!

Last week we revealed the winners to our first ever Show Us Your PC contest. Our top 3 picks won Amazon gift cards and the honorable mentions got some sweet, sweet Steam games. And we got to ogle some awesome custom PCs, which happens to be our favorite thing to do.

Did you miss it? Do you want to relive the excitement in a more digestible format? This contest recap is for you!

Here’s a breakdown of the winners. Click on any winner to see more!

First Place: FANtastic Build

We loved Skye’s superpowered PC and the way he tastefully added Noctua fans everywhere. Seriously, go look at all those fans.

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Show Us Your PC Contest: First Place!

And finally, the grand winner of our Show Us Your PC contest. (If you’re catching up, yesterday we revealed our Second Place winner, Wednesday featured our Third Place winner, and on Tuesday we showed off our two Honorable Mentions.)

Ladyfolk and mentlegen, our first place winner: FANtastic Build


Skye recently built this beauty after 6 years with an Intel Core 2 Duo running Windows XP. We’d say it’s a heck of a successor!

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