Posts in Category: pc builds

Building a Budget Mini ITX PC

Mini ITX PCs are famous among builders for being deceptively difficult and expensive to create. The unassuming, small stature of such builds may make them look like smaller projects than mid towers or full towers to newcomers—but the tight spaces in the cases, the higher temperatures of such close quarters, and the specialty parts they sometimes require can balloon the challenge and the cost.

In this article, we take a look at putting together a tiny build for a modest price: building a capable Mini ITX small form factor computer for about $390, similar in price and performance to a larger low-end PC.

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Building a PC for Indie Gaming

One of the best parts of the indie gaming scene is that it’s full of great games that are often less demanding (performance-wise) than AAA titles. This allows gamers on a tight budget to still have an awesome experience without endless budgeting and saving up beforehand.

In this guide, we look at what it takes to build a PC for playing popular indie games!

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PC Builds for the Most Famously Demanding Games Ever

There is perhaps nothing more enjoyable to a hardcore PC gamer than an ego-stroking list highlighting the most demanding games that their system can run. This may be because it’s amazing to see a machine handle what used to be a major challenge for the high-end computers of yesteryear—or it may be because there’s nothing more satisfying than hearing 100% fan spin on your CPU, GPU, and case fans (and warming up your entire house on a cold winter’s day).

In all seriousness, we took a look at four games released over the past decade that had a bit of a reputation for rig-melting, and we’ve put together example builds using modern components to run those titles nice and smooth!

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