Posts Tagged Under: ultrawide monitor

Top 5 Budget Curved Gaming Monitors for 2021

There’s more than a few curved gaming monitors out there with outrageous specs and equally outrageous price tags—displays that test the limit of what the human eye can perceive! Enormous panels that cost more than a new car! Huge ultrawide multi-monitor setups!

You, uh, aren’t going to find those in this article.

Instead, this list aims to stretch your dollar to its breaking point, focusing on curved monitors that provide a premium experience with a sub-premium price tag of less than $400. None of them are powered by nuclear fission or display 600 frames per second, but they’ll be enough to satisfy the average consumer without the need for a second mortgage.

Let’s begin!

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Choosing the Right Monitor: Size, Resolution, Price – and Sitting Distance!


If you peruse sites like this, there’s a good chance you’ve come across the monitor discussion. “I’m buying a monitor, what size/resolution/refresh rate should I get?” Choosing the right monitor can be as important as (or, in some situations, even more important than) anything else in your build.

After all, your monitor is how you experience your build. The best graphics card and CPU don’t mean much if the monitor you’re using can’t show you the benefits of those parts.

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The Ultimate 21:9 Ultrawide PC Build Guide

Now this is how we do it…

Support for Ultrawide resolutions has grown immensely in the past few years, and is now to a point where it is generally a viable choice for a majority of users — both for work and play. For workstations, 21:9 is much like having dual monitors, but without the bezel. In this guide we’ll be targeting three different price points and recommending a different monitor for each — all Ultrawide. All prices include the price of the monitor. Commence the 21:9 build guide!

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