Posts in Category: pc gaming

New Guide: Building a PC for Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 will be releasing on PC Oct. 21st. And with great visual quality comes semi-great hardware demands.

Can your PC handle Battlefield 1? Are you looking to build a PC or upgrade to one that can run BF1 the way it’s meant to be played? Check out our new PC build guide: Building the Best PC for Battlefield 1.

If you have any questions about the hardware requirements for Battlefield 1, or if you have any suggestions for other game build guides, let us know in the comments!

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Every PC Game at E3 2016

Personally, I'm most excited for Mount & Blade 2.

Personally, I’m most excited for Mount & Blade 2.

PC games have been getting progressively better representation at E3 this year. Looking around today, we couldn’t find a comprehensive list exclusively featuring this year’s PC games, so we made one. Let us know in the comments if we missed anything you’re excited about!

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