Posts Tagged Under: i7-6900K

Intel Core i7-7820X vs i7-6900K vs AMD Ryzen 7

In June, Intel released its new Kaby Lake-X and Skylake-X CPU architectures based on the X299 platform. We talked about the current flagship 10-core, 20-thread i9-7900X, comparing it to the previous Broadwell-E flagship, the i7-6950X, and the AMD Ryzen 7 CPUs. Alongside the flagship 10-core, Intel released an 8-core, 16-thread i7-7820X, which costs “only” $599, compared to the previous $1000+ of last generation’s i7-6900K. Alongside these processors there are also the AMD Ryzen 7 8-core 16-thread CPUs, costing from ~$320 to ~$499, depending on the model.

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AMD Ryzen 7 vs. Intel

AMD Ryzen Logo

AMD have a new player in the game…

With the AMD Press Event details now available to the world, with videos and articles confirming the many (oh so many!) performance and price leaks to be correct, we take a look at the first big leap forward from AMD in five years with the shiny new Ryzen 7 series. On March 2, the Ryzen 7 1800X, 1700X, and 1700 will challenge Intel’s 6- and 8-core CPU lineup at very competitive price points. Now we wonder: Is Intel worried?

[Edit: Since writing this article, Intel has announced price drops of their CPUs in response to Ryzen. So, in short: Yes, they are worried! Now read on to understand why.]

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Haswell-E or Broadwell-E? Intel i7-5960X vs. i7-6900K vs. i7-6950X


What is the best high-end CPU? The 3 best consumer-grade options are the Broadwell-E i7-6900K and i7-6950X, and the older Haswell-E  i7-5960X. We previously recommended the i7-5960X over the newer i7-6900K in our build guide for NVIDIA’s GTX 1080, because of the older CPU’s superior overclocking potential. Here we will compare the pros and cons of these CPUs in more detail, so that you can make the best choice.

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PC Build Success Story: Michael’s Video Editing GTX 1080 TuffBox


Michael’s battlestation, complete with audio recording gear.

Logical Increments reader Michael recently put together a brand new video editing and gaming behemoth, which he dubbed the TuffBox. It includes newly released high-end components, with the GTX 1080 and Intel i7-6900K taking starring roles.

He wrote up his build story on PCPartPicker and gave us permission to repost on our blog. So, take it away, Michael.

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