Posts Tagged Under: cybersecurity

Best Free Programs to Install on a New PC

Here at Logical Increments, we receive numerous questions and comments from people who are either about to build a computer, are actively building a computer, or have just built a computer. (Shocking, I know!)

One question that has been common among all three groups is, ‘What programs do you recommend putting on a new computer directly after installing the operating system?’ Well, I can’t speak for the needs of every user (nor even for the preferences of every LI team member), but I can offer you a list of excellent programs that I personally install on just about every computer for my own use after building a PC.

All of them are free or have worthwhile free versions, and many of them are volunteer-produced and/or open-source software. These programs encompass an array of important categories, including workstation tasks, media playback, and hardware monitoring/security—and will be (loosely) grouped along those lines below.

Let’s take a look!

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How to Avoid Bandwidth Throttling

How to Avoid Bandwidth Throttling - VPN, Proxy Server

Bandwidth throttling can negatively affect many professional and casual internet users.

Nothing is worse than sitting around enjoying your favorite TV show on Netflix in all its 4K glory and then, suddenly, you notice that the video quality has dropped, and the picture isn’t as sharp as it was a few moments ago. You go and check your internet speed and notice that, despite paying for a 100Mbps connection, you’re only getting 20Mbps download speed.

How is this happening, and what’s causing it?

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