Posts Tagged Under: battlestations

A Guide to Buying the Best Chair for PC Gaming

An often-overlooked part of a PC gaming setup is what gaming chair to buy. Most modern “gaming” chairs are more form that function, lined with bright colors and shaped like race car bucket seats. But the truth is that you might not need one of those “gaming” chairs. In fact, you’re usually better off buying a quality office chair.

For most PC builders, getting the right chair is easy to forget, but think about it: you’ve spent hours pouring over component comparisons and recommended build guides, but rarely is that same attention placed on where you’ll be sitting. A good chair can often outlast those PC components, so you should give it some thought.

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Show Us Your PC Build!

Willy Gates

TL;DR: We enjoy seeing PCs that our readers build. If Logical Increments helped you build your computer in any way, we want to share your build story on our blog. Email us at with your name and some photos of your build, and we’ll be in touch.

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