The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Computer Mouse

The average PC user spends several hours a day touching a computer mouse, making it one of the most critical computer peripherals. And yet, few PC users spend much time considering mice before purchasing one that they’ll end up using for years. It can be interesting to learn more about specific models of a mouse at places similar to Review Loft, check them out.

Today, PC users have an enormous variety of mice to choose from, as well as numerous factors to consider before choosing the best mouse for them. Everyone’s hand is a little different, so it makes sense that different hands may prefer different mice.

This guide should serve as a primer to help find your hand the best possible mouse companion. We’ve separated the guide into four sections based on the four main criteria to consider when selecting a mouse: comfort, precision, button layout, and extra features.

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How to Stream PC Games on Twitch


You’ve built your gaming PC that possibly features an SSD for speed, you probably know the difference between WD Green vs Blue, and now you want to start streaming on Twitch. We’re here to help. (If you haven’t built yourself a streaming PC, read our Guide to Building a PC for Game Streaming.)

This quick guide should take you from a streaming novice to confident broadcaster. Don’t forget that if you’re using a public internet connection, find the best vpn for streaming so that you’re secure.

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PC Build: $1,200 Mini ITX 1440p Gaming PC

Thermaltake Core V1

Thermaltake Core V1

When putting this build together, I wanted to build a Mini ITX PC that can play almost any game at 1440p at 60 FPS with Ultra settings. I allocated a budget of $1,200 and picked parts accordingly.

This is a Haswell build, but I’ve provided alternative options for Skylake, at a slightly higher price.

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PC Build: $1,750 Mini ITX Beast Gaming PC

901 Build

Gonzo65’s 901 Build

Inspired by the Holiday sales, I decided to put together a quiet, clean, small Mini ITX build to handle any current game at max settings at 2560×1440. Total build price: $1,750.

It’s a little more expensive and harder to put together than a comparable full-sized build, but it turns out gorgeous and powerful.

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The Best of Newegg’s 2015 After-Christmas Sale


Updated December 27, 2015

The best sales until next Black Friday are here!

ASUS Z97A Motherboard

ASUS Z97A Motherboard

If there’s anything you want to upgrade or get for a friend, now is the time. We won’t see better deals on many of these until next November, especially the things that don’t see large incremental upgrades, like cases and power supplies. CPUs, graphics cards, and SSDs will likely slowly drop in price as newer better versions come out, but these prices will still be the best you are likely to see for months.

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Our Top 60 Games in the Steam Winter Sale 2015

When doth cometh the Lord GabeN, bearing gifts? Every yuletide, of course!

Every year, Steam has several sales, usually coinciding with the various holidays. Two days ago, Steam’s Winter sales started, bringing down the prices of over 10,000 different games.

Some people would say that 10,000 is a large number of games, and we would agree. We have combed through the sales, and picked out about 60 titles that we liked the most. We split the recommendations in bigger and smaller titles. Since there are so many games on sale, we only looked at games with discounts of 50% or more.

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