The Ultimate Guide to Computer RAM

what is ram copy

RAM (short for Random Access Memory) is an essential part of every computer, because it holds all of the data your computer is currently using. Think of it as your computer’s short-term memory, whereas the hard drive is more like long-term memory. If you use your computer whilst at work though then it might be a good idea to check out something like this least privilege manager
software, to make sure that your computer is safe.

Why is RAM important? How much RAM do you need, and how fast does it need to be? We’re going to answer those questions, and hopefully clear up some common myths about RAM along the way. If this question and other tech related issues cause confusion or if your business’s computer systems aren’t acting in the way you want, it’s best you get in touch with an IT Support Company.

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What is a Mechanical Keyboard? Guide to Buying a Mechanical Keyboard


Your keyboard is the part of your computer with which you have the most contact. But despite all the time many people spend with their keyboards, very few consider the variety of choices available.

So, what options are there for your keyboard, and how do you know when you’ve found the right keyboard for you? Are you looking for the best cheap mechanical keyboard or a gaming keyboard? And what are these “mechanical” keyboards you keep hearing about?

Read on to get an intro to mechanical keyboards, or just watch this video:

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New Guide: Building the Best PC for Minecraft


Minecraft is one of the most popular games on the planet, and it has introduced a new generation of gamers to PC gaming. For many, Minecraft will be the game that inspires them to build their own computer. Playing Minecraft from the comfort of your own computer with your friends is really awesome. Although, the game is so much greater when you and your friends have your own server similar to those at

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10 Cool Gadgets and Apps for Home Automation



Note: We at Logical Increments have been curious about home automation technology for some time. This is a contributed article from Modernize. We do not endorse the products listed in this post because we have not used them, but we do find the future of home automation interesting and exciting, especially with the technology becoming more and more popular in recent years, as well as with companies like Crestron London bringing their expertise of home automation to our doorsteps.

From smartphone apps to bluetooth technology and sophisticated computer-compatible devices that can control a security camera system, home automation isn’t what it used to be. In fact, there are more options to choose from these days than there ever were before, and that can be a little overwhelming. We at Modernize selected 10 of the coolest home automation gadgets and apps available right now.

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