Logical Increments is looking for volunteer writers to share their knowledge of computers and PC-building with our audience via short posts on our blog.
Are you the person your friends come to with computer questions? Do you love talking about hardware and how to compile the right build? Maybe you have valuable experience or stories to share from building your own PC.
These blog posts will be viewed by some of the 200,000 unique monthly visitors who come to Logical Increments for PC-building help. They can be short or long, concise or detailed, and on any variety of PC or gaming-related topics. The only requirement is that they should be fun for you to write.
If you’re looking for a place to get your name or website more recognition, or just a chance to have fun writing about computer hardware, we encourage you to give this a try. No prior writing experience is necessary. We have a long list of topic ideas, but we’re happy to discuss any ideas you might have.
If you’re interested, email james@logicalincrements.com with the subject line “Writer” to discuss topic ideas, learn more information, or ask any further questions. Don’t worry if your English or writing isn’t perfect – we’ll help you edit everything to make sure it looks good.
Thanks! We hope to hear from you.