Prices on solid state drives have dropped significantly in recent months, with some brands seeing extremely deep price reductions. Over on Reddit’s r/buildapcsales community, members have been capitalizing on several deals around the $60 range for 120GB drives and $90-100 for 240GB models of some lower-end brands.
Even the higher-end brands recommended on our parts guides have seen pretty remarkable reductions to prices. Based on the latest price cuts, we’ve significantly revised our SSD recommendations to reflect what has become the best performance for the price – which is getting better and better.
The 128GB SanDisk Ultra Plus, our lowest recommended SSD, was regularly selling for $120 until recently – now the price has been hovering around $75.
The 120GB SanDisk Extreme II, which starts at our Superb tier, was seen around the $140 price range, but now sits around $100. The 240GB model has fallen from $250 to around $175.
We consider the 240GB Seagate 600 to boast the best performance for the price at around $140, down from around $250, though it’s currently a little difficult to find in stock.
Models in the 500GB to 1TB range are still extremely pricy, though they’re plummeting in price as well. You can now get a 480GB Seagate 600 for $230, or a SanDisk Extreme II for $290.
While up until recently we recommended the Samsung 840 EVO-Series at a number of a price points, we now only recommend the 1TB model, which is selling for around $450.
We’re currently only recommending SanDisk and Seagate SSDs below 1TB, as their performance is simply unmatched at their price points.
So, why have SSD prices fallen by so much? It’s likely a combination of factors, including reduced manufacturing costs and market saturation at higher prices. SSDs are still seen by many as being a luxury PC component, and lower prices may drive up adoption rates among those who had been holding off.
Whatever the reason for the price drop, enjoy it!