The Nvidia GTX 760 was released yesterday. It has slightly-below 670/7970 performance, but the price is $250 – $260, making it a steal. It makes the 7870 XT/Myst ($250), 660Ti/7950 (~$280) obsolete at their current prices. The available-for-purchase models of the 760 are only about ~4%-5% behind the 670/7970, while costing $100-$130 less. Logically, that means that above the ~$200 price point, only the 760 and 770 are worthy purchases.
When the 770 was launched, it was expected that AMD would respond swiftly with price cuts. Unfortunately, we have not seen these price cuts yet, so we have to wait for AMD to do something about the 7950/7970/7970GE prices.
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